Wednesday, 16 June                                   14:00—15:40 and 16:00—18:15
Hall B


Specialist workshop I:
Towards safer and more effective use of radiation in paediatric healthcare
Co-organized by Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), World Health Organization (WHO) and Radiological Society of Finland
Chair:               Del Rosario Perez, Maria (WHO)
Co-chair:          Bly, Ritva (STUK)
Rapporteur:      Applegate, Kimberly (Image Gently)
Co-rapporteur:  Vassileva, Jenia (NCRRP)
14:00 Opening / Welcome address
Introduction of participants
14:10 Lifetime health risk of paediatric exposures to ionizing radiation
Blettner, Maria (Uni-Mainz, GERMANY)
14:30 Radiation protection of embryo-foetus
in diagnostic imaging
Lessons learned from paediatric overexposures in diagnostic imaging

Applegate, Kimberly (Image Gently, USA)
15:00 Justification and optimization of paediatric CT
Owens, Cathy (European Society of Paediatric Radiology, UK)
15:20 Radiation protection in paediatric radiology: a comprehensive approach
Malone, Jim (IAEA/IRELAND)
15:40 Coffee / Technical Exhibition  
16:00 Nordic and Baltic experiences of justification and optimization of paediatric CT
Seuri, Raija (Helsinki University Hospital, Finland)
16:20 Good practice in the digital paediatric radiography
Mannila, Johanna (Helsinki University Hospital, Finland)
16:40 Optimization of protection in paediatric PET-CT
Holm, Søren (Rigshospitalet, DENMARK)
17:00 Unjustified CT examination in young patients: a survey at Oulu University Hospital
Oikarinen, Heljä et al. (Oulu University Hospital, Finland)
17:20 Screening or selective imaging in pediatric dentistry: from panoramic to CBCT
Horner, Keith (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
17:40 Panel discussion: "Improving radiation protection culture in paediatric patients: how to move forward"
Chair:      Owens, Cathy (European Society of Paediatric Radiology )
Co-chair: Soimakallio, Seppo (FINLAND)
18:10 Conclusions, closing remarks  

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